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1物理机械性能 自蔓延技术使陶瓷复合钢管具有独特的组织结构,该结构决定了陶瓷钢管优良的物理机械性能,它不但抗磨损、耐腐蚀、耐高温,而且有高的硬度、强度和良好的抗机械冲击和热冲击的综合性能。 2耐磨性能卓越 陶瓷内衬复合管与传统的钢管、耐磨合金铸钢管、钢橡管等有着本质性区别。陶瓷钢管外层是钢管,内层是致密a型三氧化二铝(刚玉)。刚玉层维氏硬度高达1100—1500(洛氏硬度为90—98),相当于钨钴硬质合金。耐磨性比碳钢管高20倍以上,它比通常粘接而成的刚玉砂轮性能优越得多,陶瓷钢管抗磨性主要是靠内层的刚玉层,其莫氏硬度为9,仅次于金刚石和碳化硅 3耐蚀性能优良 陶瓷管含a型三氧化二铝90%以上,三氧化二铝属中性氧化物,与酸、碱、盐均不起化学反应,耐酸度96-98%,同高刚玉瓷耐酸度相当,同时,三氧化二铝是无机物质,在光、热、氧等自然环境长期作用下,不存在变坏(即老化)的问题。陶瓷层可耐酸、碱及电化学腐蚀,经测定陶瓷钢管耐蚀性比不锈钢高十倍。 4运行阻力小 陶瓷内衬钢管由于内表面光滑,且永远不会腐蚀,也不像无缝钢管内表面凸状螺旋线存在,经权威单位运行输灰阻力测试,清水阻力系数为0.0193,阻力系数小于普通钢管,可降低管线运行阻力,减少运行费用。 5抗结垢性能可靠 6抗机械冲击性能高 公司是一家专业制造陶瓷耐磨系列制品的高科技企业,专注于工业防磨技术的研发和应用,主要生产耐磨陶瓷管道,陶瓷复合钢管,陶瓷贴片管道,陶瓷内衬复合管,耐磨陶瓷弯头、自蔓延陶瓷复合管、钢管内衬陶瓷、耐磨陶瓷钢管、耐磨陶瓷片、耐磨陶瓷衬板、耐磨陶瓷异形件、耐磨陶瓷,产品广泛应用在火电、钢铁、水泥、冶炼、煤炭、矿山、化工、港口等行业磨损严重的设备上。

ceramic lined composite steel pipe

Ceramic lined composite steel pipe with conventional steel, wear-resistant alloy steel pipe, cast stone and plastic pipe, steel pipe and other rubber has the essential difference. Ceramic lined composite steel pipe is steel outer and inner corundum. Corundum layer Vickers hardness 1100-1500 (Rockwell hardness of 90-98), the equivalent of tungsten-cobalt hard gold. High wear resistance than carbon steel pipe more than 20 times, it is much more superior than the usual bonding together corundum wheel performance. Now it is still a variety of corundum grinding wheel grinder cut hardened steel main wheel. Ceramic lined composite steel pipe corundum corundum wheel wear layer can be put away. Wear resistant Ceramic lined composite steel pipe corundum layer may be formed mainly by a few millimeters thick, a Mohs hardness of 9, second only to diamond and silicon carbide, all oxides, which is the highest hardness. ¯ pipe and the component is only about 20% alumina, most of SiO2, SiO2 Mohs

The Ceramic-lined Carbon Steel Pipe

Ceramic pipe with conventional steel, wear-resistant alloy steel pipe, cast stone and plastic pipe, steel pipe and other rubber has the essential difference. Ceramic pipe is steel outer and inner corundum. Corundum layer Vickers hardness 1100-1500 (Rockwell hardness of 90-98), the equivalent of tungsten-cobalt hard gold. High wear resistance than carbon steel pipe more than 20 times, it is much more superior than the usual bonding together corundum wheel performance. Now it is still a variety of corundum grinding wheel grinder cut hardened steel main wheel. Ceramic pipe corundum corundum wheel wear layer can be put away. Wear resistant ceramic pipe corundum layer may be formed mainly by a few millimeters thick, a Mohs hardness of 9, second only to diamond and silicon carbide, all oxides, which is the highest hardness. ¯ pipe and the component is only about 20% alumina, most of SiO2, SiO2 Mohs hardness of 7. Rare high chromium wear-resistant alloy tube or a Vickers hardness of about

Ceramic-Lined Steel Composite Pipe (CLSP)

The liquid pipe transport has been widely used in the industries of electric power, metallurgy, coal, petroleum, chemical engineering, building materials, mechanism and so on. And it has developed rapidly. When transporting the materials with the harder abrasion (such as ash dregs, slag, coal powder, mining dregs, the rest mines, cement, etc), it will exit the problem that the abrasion of pipes is too rapid. Especially, the abrasion of bent pipes is greatly more rapid. When transporting the special abrasion materials or erosive materials, it will exit the problem that the damage of pipes is too rapid. When transporting the materials with comparatively high temperature, it will exit the problem that the anti-hot steel pipes are very expensive. Since the ceramic steel pipe has gone into the market, the above problems have been settled down easily. The ceramic steel pipes are widely used for the transporting of mining fillings, mining power, and the rest mines with hard abrasion; fo

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